I have just been assigned to define specifically several terms that I am
unable to put into words.  I know these terms so well, that I am having
trouble conveying them correctly.  I was wondering if anyone could help me.

I work in an archaeological repository.  I have completed building our first
relational collections database.  I am needing to define Collection and
Sub-Collection to the field archaeologists so they can prepare their catalog
to meet our standards.  From a field prospective a collection can have many
projects, but within that project there are many components.  They are
getting confused, especially with my terminology of sub-collection because
it doesn't seem to end (gets too small).  The definition of sub-collection
as a collection in a collection does not work.

So, for communication between field archaeology and Data Management:
Collection - 
Subcollection - 
Trinomial Accession Number and its parts - 



Susan Fishman-Armstrong
Laboratory Coordinator
Antonio J. Waring, Jr. Archaeological Laboratory
University of West Georgia
Carrollton, GA 30118

678-839-6303 (office) 
678-839-6306 (fax)

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