What is a Maker Space?  How much room do you need?  What are others
doing? Where do you  get funding? What are the safety issues? How to
create STEM and STEAM
projects and programs? These questions and more will be answered in
this valuable 4 week online workshop.

The classroom is open 24/7. Attend at your convenience.
Interactive. Informative. Recommended.

Enroll today for the June 1 online workshop $79.00 Fee (Museum
Invoices Accepted)

To Enroll and for more information, visit . . .
Maker Space for Museums.

  This timely 4 week online workshop will outline what Maker Spaces
are and where they are located. The  workshop will explore the best
examples, and present how to advice, practical idea  suggestions, and
resources for creating art, science, art, and technology projects, and hands on
collaboration and learning into your museum or art center no matter
how much designated
space you have available.

Much more than a make it and take it, the Maker Space provides the
tools, instruction, and company of others that inspire and enable
creative making.  Programs popular with children, teens and young
adults will be covered.

   Comments from Past Participants:

 "I now have a much better understanding of the variety of making that
can be done in a  maker space (it's not just electronics and
robotics.) -As well as the value of high  quality materials and giving
people choices.

"STEM is one area where I feel our museum is lacking. We have a strong
focus on Art, but   the other areas do not get a lot of attention. In
this unit I have learned that those  are  areas we need to ramp up our
attention if we want to engage a larger number of our

I loved the example from the Exploratorium on the Valentine's Day
themed "group build."   The chain reaction "machine" with visitors
contributing to various sections of the whole   was impressive. I
would love to do something similar for one of our "Mix'd Media"
evenings for young adults.

"The reminders for "safety first" were excellent."

"I would use this week's information when planning a space, either temporary or
permanent,  and when designing an activity."

"The main thing I've gained over the course of this class was a sense
of how creative and  expansive a Maker Space can be. After seeing all
these different examples I am confident   that we, as a museum, can
create Maker experiences that not only give the visitor a   chance to
be a maker but also use the making experience to connect more deeply
with our  exhibits. The variety of videos was the most helpful
material. I was familiar with the  idea of a Maker Space prior to
taking the class but the videos both clarified what the
space is while showing me how much variety exists within the concept."

Enroll today for the June 1 online workshop.
Maker Space for Museums
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