2016 brings new opportunities to manage copyright-protected works. Are you 
thinking about your copyright-protected content as an asset and something that 
can be monetized? And are you doing the most you can to ensure that others’ 
content is legally used? This is a good time to reflect upon your practices and 
refine them as necessary. I invite you to join my free office email list for 
copyright and licensing tips and information. Sign up at 

Some copyright tips for today...

1. Protecting Content

What are you doing to protect your own content? Some reminders:

- Use the universal copyright symbol, ©, on works that belong to you; this 
reminds potential users that copyright exists in those works.
- Include contact information and a hyperlinked URL for permissions, to 
increase the likelihood that potential users will seek permissions before using 
a work.
- Audit your content. What content do you own? Include content created by 
employees as well as content in which the copyright has been assigned to you.
- Once you have an inventory of content that you own, consider how you can 
adapt that content and who might be interested in that content. Are there 
organizations that may want to license your content?
-Your content is a valuable asset. Set up a mechanism and timetable to conduct 
periodic online searches to ensure all uses are in fact authorized by you.

2. Using Content of Others

We all use copyright-protected content that belongs to others. Below are some 
tips on legally using third party content:

- Check expiration dates on licensed content to ensure none have lapsed. Review 
automatic renewals, notify vendors or content owners of your intention to renew 
needed licenses or cancel any that have become unnecessary to your business.
- Audit all content you have licensed, from images and text to software, and 
collect that information in an easily accessible, searchable database. This 
allows you to quickly locate, and fully and legally utilize, content.
- Identify any works you want to use that may enter the public domain in on 1 
January 2016. You no longer need permission to use these works.
- Ensure that you have written a copyright compliance policy or guidelines and 
that your policy or guidelines reflects recent changes in the law that affect 
your use of content and your changing use of digital content. This allows you 
to answer any copyright questions as they arise and address them consistently 
and effectively.
- Advertise your copyright compliance policy or guidelines so that everyone in 
your organization is aware and compliant. In other words, educate about 
copyright law. Think of innovative ways to spread the copyright message.

Have a great day!

Lesley Ellen Harris
lesleyellenhar...@me.com <mailto:lesleyellenhar...@me.com>

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