CALL FOR POSITION PAPERS - CHI’16 Workshop: Involving the Crowd in Future 
Museum Experience Design
DATE:  7 May 2016. In conjunction with CHI’16, San Jose, CA, USA 
Workshop submissions due: 8 January 2016.
Feedback to authors: 12 February 2016.
Camera-ready papers due: 26 February 2016.
Workshop at CHI'16: 7 May 2016.

The museum world is rapidly changing from being collection-centred to being 
community-centred and for the public. Some general trends of museums and 
cultural heritage institutions besides digitising their collections is to 
involve the public more and at various levels: by deepening engagement during 
their visit, by extending the museum experience beyond the physical visit and 
by involving the public in content generation. Technology plays an increasingly 
important role in this involvement.
This one-day workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners 
interested in exploring the implications of various trends in the museum world 
for designing museum experiences. Specifically it focuses on the implications 
of museums reaching out to crowds beyond their local communities, as well as of 
museums increasingly becoming part of connected museum systems and large 
institutional ecosystems. We invite position papers on topics including:
- The way and level of crowd involvement in museums: How can museums guarantee 
continuous dialogical engagement with their public?
- The increasing size and diversity of the audiences that museums address as 
target groups: What are the challenges and threats that a crowd focus brings 
- The introduction and use of innovative technologies: What are the 
implications for design in addressing diverse audiences such as crowds, and 
what role can technology play in this?
- The scope of the designed experiences: How can a museum maintain its identity 
and yet express the specific role it has within a system of connected 
institutes? How can we design for such holistic experiences?
The workshop will start with short (5 minute) presentations during which 
participants introduce themselves, their backgrounds and the take-away message 
of their papers. 
The core of the workshop consists of a brainstorm in the form of playing a 
game, to explore future opportunities and challenges based on the observed 
trends and the themes that emerged from submitted papers. 
In a concluding plenary session, the outcomes of playing the game will be 
summarised by the organisers, and plans for follow-up activities and future 
work will be discussed.
Send submissions (3-6 pages incl. references, CHI Proceedings format, pdf) by 
email to Arnold Vermeeren (a.p.o.s.vermee...@tudelft.nl) by
- 8 January 2016 (notifications of acceptance before 12 February 2016).
One author is required to attend the workshop and to register for both the 
workshop and at least one day of the conference (http://chi2016.acm.org).
Arnold P.O.S. Vermeeren (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands) 
Licia Calvi (NHTV University of Applied Sciences in Breda, The Netherlands) 
Amalia Sabiescu (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology – RMIT Europe, Spain).
Raffaella Trocchianesi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy).
Dagny Stuedahl (Norwegian University of Lifesciences, Norway).
Elisa Giaccardi (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands).
The workshop will be hosted in conjunction with CHI’16 on 7 May 2016, in San 
Jose (CA, USA) (http://chi2016.acm.org)

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