Howdy Late Nite MCNers,

Sorry about the funky extra lines and strange line-breaks, etc. in my prior
note. Apparently the listserv is a bit quirky with HTML-formatted "plain
text." So I have specifically set this one as actual plain text and expect a
better result... :-/

In my prior update note, I mentioned a complementary follow-up paper I have
in development. By way of foreshadowing its content, I am specifically
working on a corpus/data-set of Softalk magazine TOC (table of contents),
mastheads, and Advertiser Index pages as found here: 

I am working with PRImA to help shift the OCR/layout-recognition folks from
a bottom-up page-focused approach (Rainman-type thinking) to a top-down
whole-issue and complete serial publication perspective (Sherlock-type

Specifically, I will be using #PRESSoo's Z12 Issuing Rule and Z5 Issuing
Rule Change classes as entity "containers" for a fine-grained pattern
language describing the complex document structure of the commercial
magazine. The ISSN SIG authors have a rather pedestrian assumption about the
potential use of this model element. (See But I
believe Issuing Rules are a perfect way to bring a top-down serial
publication strategy to text- and layout-recognition strategy within the
digitization pipeline.

If anyone is currently using #PRESSoo or has plans to use it, please feel
free to contact me so we can exchange ideas and explore potential

BTW, the ICOM #CIDOC2016 conference is going on right now in Milan where the
#cidocCRM and its derivatives are front and center. I am a member of the
ICOM CIDOC and a member of the #cidocCRM SIG although I am not at the
conference. I am doing my best to communicate my interest remotely. If you,
too, are interested in this important museum informatics event, you can
"listen in" as well as participate via the #CIDOC2016 hashtag.  

    Happy-Healthy Vibes,
    -: Jim :-

    Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky
    Twitter: @Jim_Salmons, @TimlynnBabitsky, @FactMiners, @Softalk_Apple (Our #CitizenScience project) (Our #DigitalHistory project)

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