Edited by Dr Jenna Ashton

We invite international submissions for our forthcoming book, Feminism and
Museums: Intervention, Disruption and Change, which we'll be publishing
next year (2017), to be edited by Dr Jenna Ashton (Manchester Metropolitan
University). Proposals should be submitted by Monday 21 November 2016.
Please feel free to forward this information to colleagues who may have a
special interest.

A copy of the full Call for Papers may be downloaded from:

This year, feminist activists The Guerrilla Girls stage their latest
exhibition (and first in the UK), showcasing a survey of 400 European
galleries and revealing that museums still fail to reflect the full
diversity of art activity and art history. The anonymous art collective’s
methods of disruption range from site-specific protests and performances to
research, publications, posters and billboards. All the while remaining
anonymous in their gorilla masks.

Many other feminist curatorial projects continue to challenge the exclusion
or misrepresentation of women’s histories and cultural activities. As long
ago as 1913, in the first disruptive feminist act, three suffragettes
attacked a number of pictures in Manchester Art Gallery as part of the
campaign for women’s votes. More recently, artists such as Judy Chicago
have created activist pieces aiming to redress the absence of women’s
creativity and cultural heritage in museums; while academics such as Linda
Nochlin in her seminal essay “Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?”
have analysed the sexual politics underpinning the exclusion of women from
cultural canons.

Feminism and Museums: Intervention, Disruption and Change will bring
together case studies and analyses of recent feminist actions,
interventions and disruptions which aim to directly impact and influence
collecting, interpretation and engagement activities in museums, galleries
and heritage organisations.

The aims of the publication are:
* To encourage and facilitate feminist practice by sharing examples of
success and positive experience in the museum and heritage sector.
* To evaluate the impact and results of feminist practices and actions in
the museum and heritage sector.

Dr Jenna Ashton is Impact and Engagement Manager at Manchester Metropolitan
University’s Office for Research and Knowledge Exchange, and Creative
Director of the Digital Women’s Archive North [DWAN]. Her research and
curatorial practice explores memory and narrative, material culture,
archives and feminist interventions.

We welcome international proposals for both (longer) chapters and (briefer)
case studies from museum, gallery and heritage professionals, academics and
researchers. Proposals from those with practical experience of assessing
and evaluating outcomes in this field are particularly welcome, as are
contributions which present the practical experience of innovative
programmes, or the results of the impact of new initiatives.
Aspects of interest include – but are not limited to – innovations and
successes in any of the following areas:

* Curatorial and collecting decisions and initiatives
* Positive innovations in the fields of management, marketing,
interpretation, exhibitions, digital, outreach and other key aspects of
museum and heritage work.
* Successful changes to institutional structures, policies or practices
* The discovery and presentation of hidden herstories
* Positive engagement with voluntary or activist women's organisations
* The impact of organisations founded or managed on a feminist ethos
* Artist interventions

If you are interested in being considered as a contributor, please submit a
proposal and a short biography (in Microsoft Word format). Proposals should
be 300-500 words in length and biographies 100-200 words.

You can propose to submit either a chapter or a case study. Chapters will
be 4000-6000 words in length. Case studies will be 1000-2000 words. The
inclusion of images is encouraged. Please prepare your proposal with these
parameters in mind. The work should not have been published elsewhere and
all contributions must be submitted in English - translation services will
not be provided.

The deadline for proposals is Monday 21 November 2016. Please email your
proposal to both the editor: and the publishers: Any queries in advance of submission should be
sent to the editor.

Feminism and Museums will be published by MuseumsEtc in print and digital
editions in 2017. Contributors will receive a complimentary copy of the
publication and a discount on more.


Graeme Farnell
Publisher, MuseumsEtc


MuseumsEtc Ltd
UK: Hudson House | 8 Albany Street | Edinburgh EH1 3QB
USA: 675 Massachusetts Ave., Ste 11 | Cambridge | MA 02139
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