Hello all,

The IIIF* Museums Community Group has finalized a letter that will go out to Digital Asset Management (DAM) software vendors, urging adoption of IIIF in DAM products. More details, and instructions for signing on if your institution wishes to do so, are in a post by Sheila Rabun in the IIIF Discuss Google Group, on which this MCN-L post is based.

The letter has been initially reviewed and signed by the J. Paul Getty Trust, and we are now seeking more institutions who would like to sign on to the letter before April 28. While museums have taken the lead with this letter, other types of institutions are also welcome to sign on. For more, please see Sheila's full post on IIIF Discuss:


best regards,

*IIIF: International Image Interoperability Framework, http://iiif.io

Rob Lancefield
Manager of Museum Information Services / Registrar of Collections
Davison Art Center, Wesleyan University
301 High Street, Middletown CT 06459-0487 USA
rlancefield [at] wesleyan [dot] edu  |  tel. 860.685.2965
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