Online Workshop for Librarians and Staff (No Prior Art Background Required)

Fun, Relaxed, Informative! Recommended by Librarians. Taught by author and
art professor Valerie Colston.  Learn design techniques like the
professionals and where to locate the tools and programs that make your job

Sign up at

See what graphic design projects other librarians are creating.

Enroll through the first week of the workshop.  Class starts January
2nd.   Join
us in this popular class by enrolling through January 9th.  Open to all.
Approved for 12 TLEUs (Indiana State Library)

Unit 1 opens the first week, access at your convenience and interact with
other participants and the instructor on the forum, read the lecture, and
watch the videos. Unit 1 will remain open throughout the 4 weeks, Unit 2
opens the second week, etc. There will be an additional 2 weeks to catch up
if you have to miss a week.

Librarians are often asked to communicate or speak a visual language. The
Graphic Design for Librarians class gives you the rules and tools for
making that challenge not only possible but fun.

The four week class gives you an opportunity to network and share ideas
with others who are actively engaged in what you are doing. No prior art
experience is needed or required to learn simple guidelines for making
those graphic design tasks easier and more effective-no matter the project.

Ignite your creative spark while learning basic skills needed to produce
practical projects with the hardware and software you probably already have
on your computer or can easily access online.

What are librarians who have taken the workshops saying about the class?

*I found the section on fonts particularly informative. . .The information
on fonts was most helpful.*

*I learned that I need to be more aware of font, color, and placement. I
liked the guidance and direction that was given to us for this project, but
I especially loved how you let us use our own creativity for the project.
So much fun!*

* The most helpful information has been the links to free image sites. .
.now I have a ridiculous amount of images to look through.*

*The links to the templates and the link to the free graphic design
software was particularly helpful.*

*Overall, the visual examples and the links to resources have been the most
helpful to me. The exercise of creating a flyer from scratch was
eye-opening and enjoyable. . .*

*The video clips were clear and informative.*

*I have already started using what I learned in creating at least a 1/2 doz
new flyers for our programs during the last few weeks! What is so
satisfying is that people are noticing that the flyers are a lot more
interesting to look at and I have gotten several compliments on them

Learn art fundamentals that will help you create effective design projects.
Through illustrated lectures, hands-on assignments, and discussion groups
you will explore basic principle and design elements, attention grabbers,
and tips for creating the layout, font, and content techniques you want to

Sign up
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