**Update from the ARCS Board**
To enhance our offerings and service to the sector, ARCS is reviewing
proposals from membership association consultants to help us create our
first strategic plan. We will share further information on how ARCS will
focus its resources and services, and how you can help shape the strategy.

We are currently working on providing you with the best possible
professional development and education opportunities for 2018 and beyond.
Keep an eye out for these and other events:
-Upcoming Socials for 2018 and 2019, featuring Baltimore, Houston, Miami
and LA.
-Our host city for the biennial ARCS conference will be chosen soon!
Details on the venue will follow shortly.

**#ARCSChat April 3rd, 2018**
As Registrars we do a lot to mitigate crime with respect to our
collections: courier trips, secure installations, and demanding insurance
policies just to name a few.  Is this enough? What else can we do? To
discuss the topic of crime and cultural heritage, Ariane Moser
(@ARTIVEinc), COO of Artive, a digital archive for stolen art and cultural
property, will join us for the next #ARCSchat on Tuesday, April 3 and help
us keep our collections off of their lost and stolen property database.

**ARCS Board Elections**
Ballots for the upcoming ARCS Board election will be emailed soon, keep
your eyes open!
Important Dates**
April 3, 2018  8 PM ET #ARCSchat on Twitter. Participate and follow here
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