Hi Mike Leavitt,

In reference to "[md-2] Re: mailing list mails not appearing in >PRIV",

> Hello Richard,
> On 29-Apr-99, Richard Lane wrote:
> > 
> > Here's a quick question that I hope someone can answer.
> > 
> > Up until a few days ago everytime I replied to a message on a mailing list
> > of which I'm on about 20 different ones, I use to get 1 copy in spool and
> >> PRIV. after writing it offline, For some odd reason I
> > now don't get a copy put in >PRIV only >Spool.
> > 
> > Any ideas. Thanks.
> Look in writ message, under PGP and specials, is copy to self checked?  If so
> you should get a copy in PRI or the newsgroup, if not it will only go to
> spoole.  You probably unchecked this by mistake.

Aha got it, thanks. This has been driving me nuts for weeks. If ever you're
in my neck of the woods I'll buy you a pint or three.

Best Regards, Richard Lane - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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