Mike Leavitt wrote in Mailinglist.MicrodotII about "[md-2] Re:
MDII lies":

>> running. It just say TCP IS NOT RUNNING ... But it is not
>> true. What can I do against the lieing system ?

> For now the only way is to run Genesis instead of Miami.

no way

> MDII does not recognize Miami unless it is connected.

this is not Miami's fault !

> This does not actually affect sending your mail though.

well, unless it stored in the trash folder :-)

> It is still spooled and sent when you connect.

who come up with that wonderfull name :-)

Kind Regards
                                                            //  T e a m
-- Benny Pedersen --------------------------------------- \X/ A M I G A

..You'll find sympathy between shit and syphilis in the dictionary.

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