I am aware that this probably isn't only an MD2 issue, but it's only
MD2 that it ever happens with!!

Basically, when you click a Mailto: link on a website, it opens up an
MD2 window, generates a new message to the recipient, and (sometimes)
fills in the subject.
I run MD2 on it's own custom screen, and usually leave it running when
I'm doing other things (web, IRC, MUD, etc.). Clicking a Mailto: link
causes a new instance of MD2 to be run which, for starters, is really
annoying - why can't it tell that it's already running, and just send
a rexx message to it?? Secondly, if I don't close the second MD2
program (running on the MD2 screen), then further Mailto: links open
*another* copy of MD2, but this time on the Voyager custom screen!
Argh! Why!

Any light (or sympathy) would be welcome ;-)


Mark P.
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