A good soundcard will not let you perform any amplification (digitally) of
your incoming digital signal, but rather just "let it all in" and then leave
it to you and your Soundforge/Cooledit Pro software to conduct any dynamics

Now as far as why you're getting that, I figure that software-wise, maybe
the Hoontech/SB ensemble could use a little work 3#-)

Beyond that, I have no other suggestions. It would be something I'd have to
see personally to see what I can work out for it. You are right, bits are
bits. But it all depends on how the receiving unit manipulates those bits
before it gets to the final result. My JA30ES as well as my Turtlebeach Fiji
soundcard pass these reference tests with absolute accuracy, which is why
they're perfect for my professional applications. But it does come down to
the principle of spending good money to get your money's worth. I can't see
the JB920 presenting you with the level of accuracy that you refer to, but
it certainly would surprise me if it really were so. But from what you're
telling me in your example, your CD player seems to be connected to the
SB/Hoontech and then the MD's input plugged into the SB/Hoontech's output.
So I bet if you were to go direct from the CD player to the MD deck without
the SB/Hoontech in between, you'd get the same accuracy as I am. I think
it's just the software design of the SB/Hoontech ensemble, personally.

As for your SB/Hoontech, I'm not surprised, sorry to say 3#-)


---------------  TAMA - The Strongest Name in Drums  ---------------

-----Original Message-----
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf
Of Jerry Jelinek
Sent:   Tuesday, 25 January 2000 1:20
To:     Minidisc Listserve
Subject:        MD: Digital Recording Levels

Max input level is 13 above and min. is 1.

When I have my input set to 13 as shown above, the computer sees
about -6db.

When I move the fader to say 8 above, the db level according to
Sound Forge is about -10 to -12db, or close to the JB920 meter.

When I move the computer input fader to say 5 above, the db level is
about -20db.

My questions are as follows:

    1) Why is the db level mismatched between the CD reference CD and
       my Sony deck JB920?

    2) How is the db level being affected in recording?  I thought
       bits are bits?

Any help you can provide on this discussion would be appreciated.


Jerry Jelinek at work via OS/2        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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