At 11:43 PM 7/21/99 +1000, you wrote:
>Check your cable. For the first time last night, I was recording Derek
>Sherinian's "Planet X" album, and on one track, it actually got split in
>two. My guess is that it may have had something to do with level sync, but I
>don't think there was any silence in that track anyway. When I get my CD
>back from my friend, I'll try to replicate the problem in case it's
>something else.

I had a brainwave about this supposed 'fault' last night, while listening
to some Jarre. A little known feature of the CD format is the ability to
place intra-track marks. It is commonly used for marking passages on
classical music CDs, and my Oxygene 7-13 has them. But as I don't yet have
digital (maybe tonight), I can't test whether these are transferred by

At any rate, it could be that this is a normal and desired behaviour. But
if you don't like intra-track marks, you can always delete them... I don't
suppose MD has intra-track marks.

Michael asked:

>       when i make digital copies from a je520 to my mrz-30 with a toslink
>shouldnt it make exact copies?  i am using sync recordinging, and a disc
>that is one track becomes four tracks on the copy, with a difference in
>total time. i dont recall that happening before, but it has happenned a few
>times lately. any ideas??

I guess the difference in times is a rounding error. Tracks are actually a
little bit longer than they appear (sound like something one would write on
a rear-view mirror). When you split them the sum of each rounded to the
nearest second can easily be different to the rounded total length of the
original track.



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