I have received a post from V2 music today and we are inches from wining
this thing. I have sent the details of my demands to V2 which were very
close to what they were stating and will let you all know soon if they honor

The first is a post to the MD group and list that they will allow a single
generation digital copy be made from all music CD's they publish.

The second is they promise to replace all legally bought CD's by anyone
returning the 0 copy CD with one set to the industry standard of 1 copy.

If they meet these demands within a week we are done. If not I will announce
in one week that the boycott continues. I think we have won this but we will
know in a week.

All you that have helped me on this one give yourselves a premature pat on
the back. You are a bunch of nasty, hardheaded individuals and I have the
utmost respect and appreciation for that. See you in a week.


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