I apologize if this is old news by the time it makes the digest, but I got
an email response basically stating that the CD's set to SCMS no copy were
due to a software error (which I somehow find hard to swallow).  Here is
the email as I got it, sounds like the matter is pretty much settled: (?)


--email starts here--
Mark Mercer, Esq.
Attorney at Law

Dear Mark

I was forwarded your e-mail chain and call for a boycott of records by artists
on the V2 label on the basis that V2 is not complying with the provisions
of the
Audio Home Recording Act (AHRA) by setting the SCMS flags in its releases to
forbid copying by consumers of its compact-discs.  Please be aware that V2
Records is in compliance with the provisions of the AHRA and does permit a
single digital copy be made of all its releases in line with music industry

For your information, our policy with respect to SCMS signals is reproduced



It is the responsibitlity of A&R Administration and Production to give
instructions to all  mastering engineers  that it is V2 Music Group?s
policy to
master its recordings with the Serial Copying Managament System flags and
signals set to ?1?, in order to permit a single first generation digital
copy to
be made from each digital audio and digital audio-visual configuration

You note yourself that all other V2 artist CDs have been mastered to SCMS "1"
and that the members of various MiniDisc newsgroups have enjoyed the
ability to
listen to their V2 artists via multiple formats.

With respect to the Chocolate Genius "Black Music" Enhanced CD album (which is
the configuration on which your assumptions about V2 have been based), having
received your call to a boycott, we looked into the matter and found that the
SCMS of that master was set, in error, to "0" rather than "1".  As the master
included the software necessary to run the enhanced portion of the CD, the
mastering was not performed by V2's customary mastering labs and, without V2's
knowledge or instruction, set the signals in that manner.

Accordingly, although you are correct in stating that the Chocolate Genius
is not copyable, your call for a boycott against V2 artists is unfortunate as
well as wholly unfounded and I both request and recommend that you immediately
cease your activities before they further damage V2 Records, its reputation
most importantly, its artists' careers.

I must also apologize for initial misinformation given to you by a V2 employee
about our actual SCMS policy.

As the relations between V2 artists and their fans is of capital importance to
this company, I invite you, all those cc'd below and any of their friends to
whom they might have forwarded Mr. Mercer's letters to e-mail me
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) with their mailing address and V2 will send each a
complimentary copy of the Chocolate Genius "Black Music" CD.

If you or anyone else have any questions or further comments, I'm certain our
publicity department will be able to handle either in an appropriate manner.


Sandy Sawotka
Head of Publicity, V2 Records, U.S.

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