
I got my MDS-W1 yesterday, after waiting 4 weeks (because Sony France is
changing is computer system and has
problems with the new one, they do this every 2 year).

I'm in France so this is a "European" unit (it's written on the cardbox made
in japan). I was wondering
if i will have the problems described on the list there's some weeks. I got
the humming (on stanby to) but it is
very low. The screen is always a little warm an the disc unit in use to (i
only try deck A).

The second fear was about the digital connection, I've got an old Philips CD
unit with only coax output and
a button "Dig Out" to use it. But it seems to work fine, no problem with
SPDIF codes.

I think its a great unit, with a lot of convenience to play with your MD. I
had to get accoustumed to the alphabetical 
keyboard layout.

I was using only Maxell color disc with my 702, and i was fearing the little
curl of plastic if i use them with the W1 but
got no problem. They fit very well.

The only real problem was with my tuner who was just on the W1 and had some
sort of disturbance when i listen to radio,
so i exchange the position of the CD an the MD unit and  it seems to work. 

I only try a few things as naming disc while playing a disc but it's seem
impossible without disturbing it. But i found that if you 
title the current track, copy the title and past it to the disc title, it
works fine, you only have to wait for deleting the title track 
(if you do it during the play it restart the track).

It's a expensive unit but i think its a great one (why other brand don't do
double decks);

Regis -> who's going in a big WE just 2 day after receiving is W1... To bad!
should I cancel it????

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