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* Jason Selwitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  on Thu, 29 Jul 1999
| Should Any AA size NiMH work, I noticed that the Wall adapter gives the
| unit 4.5V @500mA and the Batteries I have seen are 1.2V @ 1300mAh are there
| any special concerns I should look out for?

Not in this regard.  4.5V @500mA is the charging power, which is very close 
to the power adaptor for the recorder.  1.2V @1300mAh is the power provided 
by the cells themselves.

Alkaline cells (C, D, AA, AAA) provide ~1.5V when fresh.  This voltage
gradually drops down to ~1.0-1.1V, at which point they will probably no
longer power the unit.  NiCD and NiMH cells are usually 1.2-1.3V.  They
provide this power consistently for most of the charge life then rapidly
(sometimes almost instantly) drop off, which is why you frequently have
little or no warning when using NiCD or NiMH batteries in devices not
calibrated for them.

The 1300mAh figure is a rating of how long the cell will last.  NiCD cells
are usually 800mAh for AA, up to 1200mAh for the high-capacity AA cells.
You can approximate the life of a charge based on this figure and the power
requirements of the device.  So, if your device requires 3V @300mA, you
will get 4 hours 20 minutes or so of play time out of it (1300mAh / 300mA = 
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