If everyone knows MinidiscToday is just a renamed MinidiscNow, why
did they bother changing.  I'd have respected them more if they'd been
honest and changed their name to MinidiscSometime as someone on
this list suggested.

BTW I rang Newcastle Richer Sounds earlier as blank MDs for UKP0.79
with the What Hi*Fi rag voucher seemed too good to be true, esp with
an increased limit of 20 discs per voucher.  It's all correct-- including
the rag, it works out at just UKP0.94/disc if you buy the max of twenty.
Is this the cheapest price in the world for 74min blanks now?

Remember most of us Brits have a Richers pretty close by so travelling
is negligible and could probably be just part of a normal city center visit.
On the downside you are left with the rag which should preferably be
deposited in the nearest recycling facility.

PrinceGaz -- "if it harms none, do what you will"

Website: http://website.lineone.net/~princegaz/
ICQ: 36892193

----- Original Message -----
From: Adam Sowalsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Ok.  This has been going around on the Bulletin board for a while, so here
> it is: Minidisctoday IS minidiscnow.  Everyone knows how MDN's service is
> apalling, and many consider them a scam for such long waiting times and poor
> customer service, so they started again...but only a new name.  The name is
> a contradiction in itself.  But in reality, they are the same people with
> the same business tactics.  At all cost, avoid MDN and MDToday.

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