========================BEGIN QUOTE=======================================
imho i think it depends on the laser that the cd player has. some of the
older cd players had a more powerful lazer which enables them to read cd-r.
the newer ones, i think to save power have a weaker laser.
hope this helps
========================END QUOTE=========================================

I have seen an el-cheape CD ghetto hlaster being able to handle a CD-R which
was a custom-built gift CD. This machine, which is a cheap Taiwan-built unit
made in 1990 and very similar to a unit that was soild in Radio Shack
(Tandy) as a "house-label" unit around that time, was able to initialise and
play through this CD-R which was a TraxData blue-side "pro" disc.

Another thing is that if you use a "domestic-legitimate" CD-R blank of the
kind designed for a standalone domestic CD burner on a PC to burn a CD,
would you have a CD which can play on all CD players?

With regards,

Simon Mackay

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