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Having just performed a succesful piece of surgery on the innards of my =
beloved 702, I just thought I'd post a little warning to other Sharp =
owners, and to a large extent all MD owners.


The reason I had to take mine to pieces was because I'd been =
experimenting and as a result, I had pushed the digital receiver out of =
alignment, and I had to re-position it.  So hopefully I will have =
learned a lesson here, but I doubt whether it will stop me from =
tinkering with my bits of kit.

Anyway, at least I have learned how to strip a 702 down, and so if =
anyone else finds themselves in a position whereby they need to =
dismantle theirs, e-mail me, and I will send you a list of invaluable =
pointers!  I will try and get these put onto my website also.

Patient has recovered from the anaesthetic and is functioning perfectly!

Have a nice day

Ian (who is going to lie down in a darkened room with a cold compress on =
his head)

Tape is dead - long live MiniDisc


ICQ : 41782725

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