> >Ralph -> can somebody send me all the Dutch newspapers of the past one and a
> >half years so I can catch up a little bit?
> Why not look on http://www.telegraaf.nl ;)
> Tom

Hmm, last time I "read"(1) the telegraaf, it was still that same kind of gossip
that it was a few years ago. Besides I've got since short (about 1 month ago)
the WWW in my home. I only have e-mail at work!

Anyway, thanks for the note!

Ralph -> using AvantGo to fetch the NOS teletekst each day and download it to
his PalmIII so I can read the latest news at work!

(1) The language used in the telegraaf resembles Dutch. I try to understand what
their writing, but I get confused by all the bold, italic, underlined, big,
small, fonts used at the same page.
Ralph Smeets        Functional Verification Centre Of Competence -  CMG
Voice:  (+33) (0)4 76 58 44 46                       STMicroelectronics
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E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                      FRANCE
"For many years, mankind lived just like the animals. And then some-    
thing happened that unleashed the powers of our imagination: We learned
to talk."
                -- Stephen Hawking, later used by Pink Floyd --
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