From: David W. Tamkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Today I was reading an article about genetically engineered foodstuffs.  One
> product mentioned was crop seeds that are viable and can germinate, but grow
> into sterile plants that produce no seeds themselves.  The scam is that come
> harvest time the farmers get no seeds for the next year's planting, and the
> next year they have to buy a new supply of seeds from the seed vendors, an
> industry that is now dominated by subsidiaries of chemical conglomerates.
> However, the first time I read it, I misunderstood it as seeds that can grow
> into fertile plants, but they yield seeds that will grow into sterile plants
> that will, in turn, produce no seeds, so these plants can have children but
> no grandchildren.  That sounded a hell of a lot like you-know-what.

Perhaps farmers should begin a campaign against CCMS Final seeds much
like the protest against the V2 record label producing SCMS Final discs.  The
big corporates see these changes as a way of making more money and only
we, the consumers through a boycott can stop them.

Genetically-Modified food has a "rather poor" image in Britain, well actually
it's usually called "Frankenstein Food"!  Of course much soya which is now
used in almost everything is imported from the USA and the GM and non-GM
soya is mixed so we all probably eat at least some GM stuff.

I'm totally against the "creeping introduction" of SCMS Final CDs, but as for
GM food I doubt theres a problem.  I'd be happy to eat Beefburgers made
from British cattle fed on ground-up sheep carcasses, which themselves were
grazed on totally-GM'd grass.  And I'm totally sane.  It's continental Europe
thats mad.  They just wish they'd thought of our clever farming techniques
which allow increased efficiency and are jealous.

Admit it Stefan, Ralph etc, you wish your country had been as ingenious as
we were.  I bet you're mad. Mad. Mad. MAD. MADMADMADMADMAD!!!!!


PrinceGaz -- "Hey guys, seriously, British Beef has been so strictly monitored
controlled and restricted lately that it's probably the safest in Europe.  You know
the mad bit was just silliness on my part :-)"

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