Someone wrote...

> The SB Live Value card worked well getting them into
> the machine,
> however, I do notice a slow down in the machine at
> boot up, presumably
> because it is loading more drivers and appellations.
>  Also, it seems to
> take longer do respond if I open too many windows. 
> I assume it has more
> in the memory and is paging it to the disk drive.  I
> guess I will start
> looking into increasing the memory from 32 megs to
> something larger, and
> look into a larger hard drive. 

the Sblive expecially liveware 2.0 and 2.1 are what we call bloatware. 
They put so much crap in the registry (8  to 9 meg I believe) that you
computer runs like crap.

What you are noticing is the registry bloat.  Since it is bigger it
takes longer to load and takes up more memory... (you get the idea)

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