===============================BEGIN QUOTE==================================
> > Also, how do some car radios open up the line-input when the auxiliary
> source is started? Does this involve any special wiring to cause this
> trigger and can this controller provide that special trigger arrangement
> these radios?

Various radios work differently, but the RM-X69RF has an undocumented
"amp turn-on" lead (the red/blue wire from the power Molex connector) that
goes to +12V when playback is initiated.  I guess you *could* just use it
an amp (no radio) if you put a volume control between the changer and the
================================END QUOTE===================================

A good idea for anyone who is testing out this implementation is to work
with either one of these setups: a car cassette deck that feeds a companion
car radio; such as one of the many systems installed in some Nissan /
Datsun; high-end Mazda and some Mitsubishi cars in the late 70s and early
80s or a CD players that feeds a companion radio-cassette player. These CD
players were often sold as dealer options or as standard with some cars
since the late 80s.

Some of these units may use TTL logic or another pole on the cassette deck's
primary microswitch to "short to ground" a trigger loop during disc or tape
play, thus causing the radio to "wake up" and become an amplifier. Some may
use the 12 volt trigger current exposed by their power rail during disc /
tape play to switch on the radio and open up that input. A few earlier
implementations such as the Blaupunkt / Rolls Royce setup may loop the
radio's signal through the tape deck and a switch in the tape player would
"open up" the input for tape.

Some OEM installations would work on a proprietary serial bus arrangement
between the components so as to frustrate aftermarket add-ons.

As for the 12V trigger output or "amp turn-on" output, this could be enough
to satisfy voltage-triggered radios. A relay would have to be used for
"short-to-ground" radios, with the coil wired over the 12V trigger output
and the normally-open contacts bridged between the radio's "short-to-ground"
trigger input and the ground bus. If the relay is a DPDT type, it could be
used to automatically divert the signal to the CD changer source in a signal
loop-through installation.

With regards,

Simon Mackay

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