has anyone else had to try and deal with www.e-s-m.com over the past few

i sent my E-55 back to be repaired by them in Hong-Kong in June, and got 2
emails back saying that they would contact me within a week as they would
need to do some more tests on it.

well, as you can see its now september, and they still havn't let me know
what going on.

i have emailed them several times, each one being very polite, just asking
them what is going on, and have got not one reply.  then they take their
website down and announce that it will be bcak up in august, then they
down't, and say its back up in september.

i for one am getting mightily pissed off right know.  i only had the player
for about a month before it needed to go back.

all i know is that as soon as they are selling again, i expect my player
back, and a new e-90 for all my troubles.

anyone else with similar experiances, i'd be glad to hear from you.


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