hi all!
it's been awhile since i've posted so i thought i'd update...
i'm a professional dj and i use MD 95% of the time @ work and
at home/car it's MD all the way(except for the am traffic reports) 
i've had the Denon DN-M2300R for two weeks now and it rocks!
 (great price/service!)
she's rackmounted vertically in a calzone case which i prop up
on two milk crates and it's just the right level - i'm 5'11" btw
i definately need to go to radio shack tomorrow and pick up one 
of those mini-fans to cool it down.....it does get quite hot!! 
as for the syncro-dubbing feature it's quite handy as i do program
music for several bars in NYC - pop it in and walk away!! 
for you dj's the hot start feature as well as the pitch/bend functions
are key for the club enviroment!! i used to be able to catch the beats
w/ the je-500's but the denon is kill! (sorry about the excitement!)
the editing features are pretty much laid out, i'm still getting used to
it's many functions (you can undo the last two edits!)
i've worked w/ denon equipment in the past and they're NOTORIOUS for
breaking down (but in a club enviroment w/ many dj's who don't care..?)
so i'm going to look into extending my warranty - just in case! 
as for my other equipment.......
sony mz-r3: plays fine but won't record/edit (utoc error - zaps disc!)
sharp 702: dropped once same deal as the sony....you edit - you zap!
aiwa am-f70(minidisco import): another zapper but love the display!!
(hey, who needs to edit while they drive anyway?)
sony mds-jb920 - groovy, except for the occasional disc error bug
sony mds-je500(2) - both f/u recorders, but playback functions work
sony mds-je510 - works great except one channel(r) cuts out.......

that's all for now!

(who wishes he had a working portable to record the lenny kravitz show
he saw at madison square garden tonite!!)
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