Hya Guys,

Well as I said my 701 packed in... Oh That reminds me, Gaz, thanks for
the helpful comment...

I've been looking at the unit to replace my 701 (I can get a
replacement, and pay any extra to make it up to price of what every I
buy.) I've been looking at other Sharp units (and will be looking at
Sharp only (or Sharp clones ;)).

I've been looking at the MT20 instead, I haven't heard must about it,
I had a look in the shop and the one thing I noticed is that it's a
flip open lid (don't like that much), and also the remote control
doesn't have a display.

But more importantly, how's it's recording and easy of use? Also,
how's the battery life?

I also looked at the 722, a step up from mine, and it looks like a
mean machine. But it's also a lot more expensive (£50+). Any major
major advantages over the MT20?

Any helpful/constructive ideas on my dilemma will be greatly


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