
Lost_Sailor wrote:
> Hi Folks,
>     My apologies for the slightly off-band post here but, I'm having trouble
> reaching the reseller and I know a person from that business frequents this
> list....

I didn't know you were having trouble reaching us....my apologies. We do
check email at least twice a day and haven't heard of any other problems
reaching us. My email address is 

> Hi,
>  I emailed you folks about a week ago indicating an interest in the AT933
> microline shotguns or cardioids and still haven't gotten a response. I'll
> submit questions one more time (now modified by some research I've done and
> some questions the presentation on your web page raise).
> 1) I'm wondering after reviewing the materials I've found on your web site
> and some conflicting data received from folks I've been emailing with, which
> is a better grade of mic base? The 853 or 933 microline? I don't know
> whether the 853 is better and merely doesn't offer the shotgun element or if
> it's actually a step up. Can you please clarify?

They are essentially the same microphone in a different body. The AT933
is a little slimmer than the AT853, and because of this, accepts on
additional mic element, the shotgun. The AT853 does not accept the
shotgun. Both mics sound the same otherwise.

> 2) I would like a price on a mic system including the better of the two that
> includes hypercardioid caps, a battery box with roll-off filtering, and a
> total of 10 feet of cabling (before or after the battery box).

Since the AT933 are the better mic, in terms of flexibility, I will
refer to it. The cost would be $199 for the mics and $79 for the battery
module with bass roll off. The extra long cables would add $2.

> Can you please get back to me no later than monday afternoon? I will need to
> make my purchase immediately after the 1st of October and need to have the
> exact quote well beforehand.  Should I not hear from you by then, I will
> take it you aren't selling these anymore and use you web site's pricing data
> to acquire the product from a reseller in Chicago who's expressed a desire
> to enter a competetive bid once I have a package price.  Since you folks
> have a history of servicing quite satisfactorily the members of the DATHeads
> and MD lists, I would prefer to give you the business. But without a
> response, that won't be possible. See, Phil Lesh and Bob Dylan are in a
> hurry to get started with their tour<grin>.
>  I look forward to your timely response either at the address above or

I'll send it to both in case there is a problem with your email. My
sincere apologies to the members of the MD-L for taking up your

>     Peace,
>     Tom
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> To stop getting this list send a message containing just the word
> "unsubscribe" to md-l-request@amulationcom

Best regards, 

Chris Carfagno
The Sound Professionals
To stop getting this list send a message containing just the word
"unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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