
Being a newbie to minidiscs i have a question.

I am about to purchase a Sony MZ-R90 portable minidsic player.

I want to record to minidisc using binaural mics which I have worked out.

I then will want to record from minidisc to CDR (on a PC) and have not been
able to find a resource on the net that explains this.  I was wondering if
anyone could point me to any resources about this or give me some tips.

This is what I have figured out and as far as I know it could be totally

Is it possible to do digital to digital minidisc to CDR recordings?  I
assume to do this u need a line out on the Sony minidisc that is a TOS
connection? Is this the case and is there a TOS line out on the Sony
minidisc recorder.  Where does SPIDIF fall into this and what exactly are
SPDIF and TOS, are they different?  Secondly you need a TOS/SPDIF connection
on the PCs soundcard (for the CDR).  As long as that is the case I presume
these recordings can be made.  Or am I wrong and is the only output on a
minidisc recorder analogue .... As you can see I am confused any any advice
would be appreciated.


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