Regarding my last post thread on best headphones.....I order the Koss 
Portapros for my small headphones, but now I am down to 2 choices for the 
full size, either the Grado SR60 or the Sennheiser 490's.  What so you guys 
think?  I have heard through many sites that the Grado's are the best [for 
portable players] but that they are uncomfortable.  I can't find any local 
dealer where I live that carry the Grados for me to try them out.  I have 
however been able to find and try out the Sennheisers and I must say I found 
them very light and comfortable.  I thought the sound was very good as well. 
  Anybody own the Grados that can comment on the sound and comfort of these 
headphones??  I can get the Grados for $69 and the Sennheisers for @$80.  
SO....which one should I get?  I would like a headphone that has very good 
bass response as not to get that "treblely" headphone sound, but I don't 
want a pair of phones that are uncomfortable to wear..

-Thanks for any help

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