        i got no responses on my problem, so i thought i'd post again. here we go:
i have a problem with my je 510 i havent seen on the list before. when
playing back a disc, it gives problems after around the 25  min mark. the
playback just stops for a second, sometimes longer, then starts again . the
clock will just pause at say, 25:51, and a few seconds later, start again
and show 25:52. it doesnt seem to lose any time, just pauses on and off
randomly. it is super annoying. the same disc will playback fine in my
mz-r30 portable. i havent really done a lot of experimentation,but   it
seems that only discs i have recorded recently on my 510 do it, though i
may be wrong. if i take a disc that has 3 tracks, each 15 min long, and
insert that disc, starting play at track 3, it messes up right away. it
seems to have something to do with head position ? i had the turn on bug a
while ago, but that went away when i had to extract a stuck disc. i found
debris on the eject mech. gears. that was a few months ago. i blew clean
compressed air into the slot, no help, still pauses. any ideas are
appreciated. i'm thinking of just getting a 520, now that the 530's are
out, it should be fairly cheap. is there any reason i should go to a 530? i
dont need titling, i have martin's winremote( works great) . any other
reason to upgrade to a 530? should i attempt to repair the 510? 

thanks all,
Mike Hooker
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