The Sharp 701 also only allows 'timed' track marks from the mic input.
I also wanted to use this feature when recording from radio, so I made an
attenuating lead - just a normal 2 x RCA to stereo minijack with a couple
of resistors in-line. This drops the signal to the correct level to not
over-load the mic input.
I forget the value of them - I think they were about 15k (and probably the
correct way is to use four of them one in-line and one across signal to
ground for each channel) but it works fine....
You may be able to buy such a lead from Tandy etc - also Sony may have one
as an accessory.
Technically speaking it's probably not quite as good as recording from
line-in due to the extra noise from the mic stage but I doubt you would
hear the difference, especially considering the not so hi-fi source....

AFAIK, the Sony's don't have any provision for 'timed' track marking.


BTW, just to clarify, you can add track marks manually at any time by just
pressing the rec button,  using any input (even optical?) but the
attenuating lead is required if you want auto 'timed' track marks.

----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, 16 October 1999 5:33
Subject: Re: MD: track marking

> Hya,
> >Another newbie question - I'm about to buy my first minidisc recorder
> >(probably a Sharp 831 portable) and I just read something that concerned
> >a bit. Apparently you can only put track markings in when recording from
> >mic? Is this true? I will use my MD for recording from the radio a lot,
> >will want to put in track marks throughout the recording (say 10 minutes
> >apart). Will I be able to do this?
> If it's the same as the 722 (and I think it is) yes it is true that
> you can only put track markings automatically every 10 mins via the
> mic input.

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