> Does anybody know of a cost-effective way to digitally get MD tracks from
> the optical out of either my Sony JES 510 or Sharp 702   _INTO_   the
> Powerbook?    I'm editing on the 'Book using MacroMedia SoundEdit 16,
> then going on to Adaptec Toast 3.5.7 to burn audio CDs.

There are lots of ways to get sounds into a PB, the cheapest way is to just
do it with stereo mini plug input to the PowerBook's microphone connector
and in Soundedit16 choose modify/rec setting choose microphone. but doing it
this was is hard and you have to adjust the levels properly. Soundedit 16 is
a old program that haven't been updated in a long time as Macromedia has
abandoned it and all other sound programs it used to have. If you have the
old bundled Soundedit 16 with DeckII, I would recommend that you use Deck to
record instead SE16 as it performs much better and its much easier to set
the levels. Remember that Deck was made by the same person who did ProTools.

For doing it optical as you mentioned, it's much more expensive. You have to
buy an USB i/o. I remember in the past about a cardbus sound card that will
allow you to do this. Anyone know what happened to that card? The way to do
it optical out is from the 510 since the 702 don't have a opt out.

Benjamin J. Levy replyed to another message about the Midiman Delta DiO, so
if you have a PowerMac as well that sounds like that way to go. I wish Apple
will put decent Audio i/o built in to their systems, put a optical or
Coaxial in/out at least, since there are very few afordable non DAW like
sound cards for the Mac. MidiMan is at least trying to get drivers out on
midrange soundcards. So Creative Labs give us the Live card dammit!

These are the only ways that I know of to get it into a PowerBook G3 Bronze.


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