>It is always much safer to make a COPY of an original when attempting to
>recover data than to jump straight in and edit the original. If your TOC
>clone did not work properly (as I have seen happen a few times with a 702 -
>TOC error mk 2?) you've moved one step closer to losing the data. The broken
>702 has remained that way for the simple reason I can practically guarantee
>100% success with it - it just plays the entire disc. It is only the play
>function which has failed: cloning TOC, recording and titling all work
>perfectly, it just completely ignores all that when you push play!
I supose it's a trade off then, safty for quality. I could start the
aircraft thing, but I won't ;). 

All I can say is I've cloned about 100 discs and never had a single
problem. Infact unless you've *$£)& up your write head I can't see
what would go wrong.

Anyway, my 2 pence ;)

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