Well you lot most probibly don't care too much about all the hassle I had 
with my Sharp unit, but I thought it best to warn you lot about our old 
friends Dixons, especially seeing as it is xmas and all!


Bought a MD702 18 months ago for 299.99 UKPounds, it went wrong outside the 
guarantee, but _was_ covered by MasterCare. Took it back to be repaired 
(UTOC error)............ 4 times. Hit the roof after the 4th, contacted the 
MD of Dixons, no messing about any more! Took it back in to be written off 
for good this time.

They said that I would have to wait 10 days after it had been received by 
them to get my money back. I waited... and waited then after just over two 
weeks emailed them to find out what was going wrong. They said that they 
were waiting for it to be written off. Spat my dummy out, they said that 
the vouchers will be in the post the next day.

Got the v(ouch)er last night for ... £200, they said that that is all it 
was worth now. Funnily enough, I hit the roof again, and when I came too, 
rubbed my head, and emailed the Manager of the Customer Services, who was 
"dealing" with the case.

They contacted me again and said that they would fax the details to the 
store that I was going to.

I don't know what you lot think, but I don't think that it is fair that 
they should offer one price when I payed a lot more initially.

Typical 'insurance' companies, always your friend until you need them... I 
wonder if Sharp would like to hear about this...

So todays lesson kiddies, purchase a nice dummy and attatch it to yourself 
via some string and a saftey-pin. This way when ever you spit the thing 
out, it remains clean and you don't have to spend too much time hunting 
around the floor looking for it!

Keith <---- still rushing with adrenalin after his first e-rage!

http://www.hedstrong.com   <---- Just started playing with the big boys!

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