Ok, I'll keep this really really really simple. Having read most of the
documents covering copyright law fully, here's what you are and are not
allowed to do - the differences between UK and US are so small in this area
it's not really worth worrying about.

----> You may NOT copy ANYTHING without express permission of the copyright
owner. <----

If you own a copy of something which was sold to you either by the copyright
owner or a legal representative for the copyright owner, you may make
additional copies for your own use.

----> Buying a CD / MD / TAPE / LP etc with music on it (not a blank!)
entitles you to own copies of that music. The copies must be FOR YOUR OWN
USE ONLY! <----

----> You may NOT record CONCERTS or PERFORMANCES unless you have PERMISSION

You cannot pretend to be a representative and give yourself permission. Some
bands allow recording, but that is up to them.


Call it what you like, if you give somebody a copy of material they do not
have permission from the copyright owner to have, you are breaking the law.
Regardless of how rare, cool or anything else you may think it is, it is
still illegal. If fan clubs encourage you to do this, they are encouraging
you to break the law *unless* they are a legal representative of the
copyright owner, in which case they are giving you permission to copy the
material on behalf of the copyright owner.

I would also like to see this added:

    You may not misquote sections of the AHRA or other legal documents
relating to copyright issues to attempt to justify illegal activities.

"Creativity is more a birthright than an acquisition, and the power of sound
is wisdom and understanding applied to the power of vibration."

Location : Portsmouth, England, UK
Homepage : http://www.mattnet.freeserve.co.uk

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