I'm a lawyer.  Magic's definition of "commercial" is silly.  It is not
commercial activity if I find a penny on the sidewalk.  But really,
that's just common sense isn't it?  If you trade enough MDs for the
wrong reasons it would be commercial activity.  God only know how many
it would take.  It's like asking how many angels dance on the head of
a pin.

Otherwise, though, this has been an utterly fascinating thread.  I was
wondering why Eric The Man Woudenburg (honestly I do admire you) was
holding back for so long.  You've been scoring major blows to the
opposition with your recent posts!!!!  It's a delight to see you enter
the frey, and on the right side too.

Regards to the list,  Steve

On Tue, 28 Dec 1999 15:56:35 -0500, in  you wrote:

>"Magic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> So, you can't prosecute me for owning or using a minidisc recorder
>> or blank discs for non-commercial actions. As a commercial action is
>> one where assets increase, any action with the device which
>> increases my assets can be taken as "commercial".
>> If I copy your CD, I now own a copy of music I did not previously
>> own. This has increased my assets.
>I'm not a lawyer and I try not to play one on the 'net, so I could
>really use the help of a lawyer for a moment.
>Matt, I fear you have stretched the definition of "commercial" way
>beyond reasonable bounds. We all know what "commercial" means, and
>home recording is not a commercial endeavor no matter how many MDs I
>record from friends, so long as I do not start selling them. Please
>don't start stretching terms, or the whole discussion will break
>down. We owe it to each other to stick with canonical definitions.

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