> Hi Nick,
> > I'm relatively new to the world of MD, having just bought an R90 and 30 sony
> > "prism" series discs (10MDW-74HP). To date, I have recorded on 10 of these
> > discs, and so far two of them have started to give brief dropouts at certain
> > points on the disc. These were all virgin recordings done on the R90, and
> > until now the recordings played back perfectly, without dropouts.
> I consider drop-outs to be rare. I think I've had only two or so (that
> I've noticed) out of hundreds of discs. If you've had two out of 10
> recordings go bad, I would suspect a faulty recorder (first) or faulty
> discs (second).
> Try noting exactly where the drop-outs are (in time) and recording
> over the disc to see if they reappear in the same spot. If they do,
> you've got a flakey disc. In any case *save one bad disc*, it
> represents proof of a problem. Try playing the disc in another
> machine. Try and localize the fault.
> Best of luck,
> Rick

During my Christmas holidays, I recorded an album wit h20 tracks on a 80
minutes Sony disc. When I came back, I found out that I had about 45 tracks
on the same disc. I did an 'erase-all' and rerecorded it on a the same
disc.... Suprise suprise, all went well......

I don't know what happened. I've got some theories, but they are all
difficult to believe/imagine:
1) Sometimes our cat sleeps on the desk where my hifi is....
2) A 'bad' MD that became 'good' after recording?
3) My S38 needs to warm-up?
4) bad luck?

If somebody has a better idea, let me know....


Ralph Smeets        Functional Verification Centre Of Competence -  CMG
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   We learned to talk."
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