Originally, JCRD wrote:
>    + Disc
>    + Track A (track on a one-artist album); or
>    + Track B (track on a various artist album)

Andrew Hobgood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> responded with . . .
Elaborate... I've never seen/heard of a secondary track title that's 
accessible on minidiscs... is this a shortcoming in my '702, or am I
misunderstanding your point?  I only know of Disc Title and Track Title.


My apologies for this not being clear. Yes, there are only disc and track
titles, but I divided track titles into 2 groups: those titles on MDs by
one artist (type A), and those titles on MDs by various artists (type B).

For example, a movie soundtrack would generally fall under type B, as
many artists usually contribute. A possible track title -- usually the
song title in all caps, followed by the artist in mixed case -- could
read as follows: "COME BY ME / Harry Connick Jr."

However, a type A album would be your general one-artist album ("Hey,
have you heard this new album from _______?"). The titles are usually all
caps, as follows: "COME BY ME".

Is this any clearer?
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