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Does anyone have a quick tutorial on how to record MD to a computer CD-R drive?  I 
realize this has been covered before, but I searched the archives and can't seem to 
get the right info.  Anyway, my soundcard only has analog in, so I would be going that 
route.  Let's say I want to record onto CD-R a particular album from my portable MD 
connected to my analog in on the soundcard (Xitel Storm).  Would I need to make each 
individual song from my disc a WAV file (would be using MusicMatch Jukebox for this) 
and then turn around and burn these individually onto CD-R?  

I guess one problem I forsee is the inability for the software to recognize silent 
periods between songs, therefore not automatically starting a new WAV file for the 
each song.  That would be a pain having to individually start and stop each song from 
the MD album in order to separate WAVs which would be burned as separate tracks on the 
CD-R.  Any software out there than can help alleviate the pain in that respect 
(possibly free)?  Maybe I can only record the entire MD to one big 'ole WAV file and 
then try to splice it up to get my individual songs, I am sure software for that ain't 
free.   I will be getting the CD-R in a couple of days, so I am trying to get ready 
for the transfers.

Thanks for the advice- Mitch

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