> > The whole problem is the copy problem, and it keeps recording industry
> > executives awake at night. Today using MP3, music can be stored and
> > distributed audio over the 'net without impediment.  The recording
> > industry is working hard to change this. In SDMI phase II, CDs will
> > contain compression-proof watermarks that players will recognize (see
> > https://www.sdmi.org/dscgi/ds.py/Get/File-611/sdmiaug9.htm). The
> > intention is to thwart the free and easy movement of unpurchased audio
> > that MP3 has made possible.
> >
> If this CD is going to have a compression-proof watermark, how
> will the MD
> get "around" this watermark?
> James Tisdale

Saw this on slashdot.org earlier:

BMG-Entertainment started selling audio-CDs using the Cactus Data Shield, a
copy-protection system developed by Midbar and Sonopress which makes it
impossible to grab the music from the CD and to listen to it using "an old
CD-Player" or a CD-ROM-drive. It is used on the albums "Razorblade Romance"
by Him and "My Private War" by Philip Boa & The Voodoo Club. What's worse:
the copy-protection is not even mentioned on the outside of the CD-case,
and as these CDs are not really RedBook-compliant, they actually don't
contain CD Digital Audio.


I think it also results in the CD player putting out a duff SPDIF stream
too, preventing them from being copied digitally to MD.

>From the manufacturers site at http://www.midbartech.com/ :

The CACTUS DATA SHIELD prevents any type of unauthorized digital
duplication of CDs, DVDs and proprietary formats.

This is bad. After the fuss kicked up over V2's attempt at preventing
piracy by setting SCMS to "no copy", you'd have thought the music industry
would learn..


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