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trying adjusting some titles or something.
anything that will cause another TOC update.
I don't know if that will fix it, but it might
overwrite whatever the 707 won't read...


The day MS makes something that doesn't suck
will be the day they start making vacuum cleaners. 

On Mon, 14 Feb 2000, Matt Dramowicz wrote:

>  === The original message was multipart MIME            ===
>  === All non-text parts (attachments) have been removed ===
> Hi
> I'm having a strange problem that i hope someone can help me with....
> I recorded a bunch of MP3's onto an MD (using an MZ-R50, through optical =
> output). I then used my Sony minisystem to title the disc....(everything =
> was fine until this point....)
> I then realized i forgot a song and put the disc back into the portable =
> and recorded that song of the computer.....When i then went to put it =
> into the minisystem to title it.....I got a disc error and it would not =
> play!!!!  The funny thing is it plays fine on the portable!  I know =
> there is probably nothing i can do other than re-recording and titling =
> it but i would love to know what caused this to happen.....BTW other =
> discs play fine in the minisystem so its not the stereo....
> If anyone has any info about this i'd love to hear from you....
> Thanks,
> Matt
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