Hi, i've followed your list for 2 months, and now i have a problem.
I could not read all the mail, so maybe this is a FAQ. In this case,

I have a je330 and a portable mze-32, and i think this is the best
purchase i have ever done for music. I register my mp3, my CD-rom, play
all of that in train, in my house with the deck etc etc. IMO there's not
comparison to mp3 portable player or a CD-writer, but i don't want start
flames, so it's only my opinion.

in all this beauty-things, sometimes I have a problem: i register a
minidisc (from PC-mp3, through AWE64 PCI and sony 74 blanck minidisc) and
the TOC is all wrong.
When I'm registering, i can see that the je330 honestly understand the end
and the beginning of every track, so it seems not to be any problem. When
i finish, if i play the minidisc i realize that, except for the first
track, the TOC is all wrong, and every song starts in the wrong time, for
example 20 second late, so i have to rewind to 20 second before to hear
the beginning of the song.

It's the second time that this happens on 20 registration, and it's not
good i hope.

Ah... sometimes, the wrong-registered minidisc plays like ehmm.... how
say?... like CD-jumping effect, you know?

So, do you think that the fault is in my sony deck, in the sony-minidisc,
in the PC (oh, i forgot to write this: I use Xmms on Linux to play mp3)?

I have only registered 2 minidisc through digital in from CD-player, and
all of them was right. But the are only 2, and 2 don't make a statistics.

the only statistics i have is 2 minidisc wrong registered on 20. No good

So, if someone has the same problem, please tell me.

fritz, a minidisc mailing list lurker, and a need to study better english

Sat, 25 Mar 2000  12:45:35
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