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Hi all md-lovers :-)

<long description of what happened>
I need a new remote. I had the misfortune to have the head of a stereo
plug break off from a set
of headphones I plugged in to the remote. It split in two leaving one
piece inside and one half outside. Bit of a concern really they were my
good Senheisers Hd40s there sure is something to be said for using metal

plugs instead of plastic ones.  I very much doubted that Sony would
cover defects
in other companys equipment so I went ahead and tried to fix it myself.
Ahem to fix this without taking apart my remote I tried extracting it
first by trying to bore into it with a pin in the hope of pulling the
sucker out. Anyway this turned out to be impossible while trying to grab

it I accidently pushed it in
actually it went in all the way to the end!! there must be quite a bit
of room down there. Anyway
my remote worked fine for quite a while after this until the contacts
gave out no doubt due to stress or something trouble is now I need a new

one. If any engineer knows a fix for this cheaper than
buying a new one I'd love to hear from you :-)
</long desc>

I have asked a Sony shop to enquire about getting me one.
Anyway what I need to know is the RM-MZR55 remote fully compatible with
the RM-MZR50 remote? for the obvious reason the RM-MZR50 remote may not
be available anymore.
I know the back-light won't work but that's ok I just want to know that
everything else does.

The other possiblity of course if this remote turns out to be hideously
expensive is to buy myself
a sony E-990 cd player which has a funky remote that I have heard is
very compatible to the MZR-50
can anyone tell me more about this?

Many thanks for your help in advance.
I'll look for your responses in the digest though direct emails would be

very much appreciated.

My web page: http://www.daboone.net/
ICQ: 14881470   Linux the choice of a GNU generation.

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