
        It's possible that some of you co-listers remember some of my
complains regarding the stupid fact that almost any commercial CD-Text CD
prevent it's title and tracks names to be transferred to MD. 

        I also have stated that CD-Text, although a potential way to
handle a big CD collection, was supported by very few recorders. 

        I needed it because I have a caroussel changer whose labelling
system (like almost any domestic caroussel CD changer) labels caroussel
positions, without remembering the CD itself. 

I use the caroussel as a library, and the MD for doing compilations and
recording, and as an ADC for digitizing vinyl records. So CD-Text for
these "custom" CDs was a must; I use some automation via S-Link (check the
outgoing OpenSlink project, http://insflug.org/slink/) using the linux
package jukebox-control (http://jukebox-control.sourceforge.net), but
obviously for truly automation to happen CDs must be commercial, so that
they could be found on CDDB. For custom CDs you have to manually enter the
data, maintaining a local database.

So CD-Text is ideal for custom CDs, with the added bonus being allowing me
to have the MDs automaticly titled. 

        I did some research, and for any of you thinking on similar
projects, these are my conclusions:

        Almost no CD-Recorder supports Cd-Text, including all Yamaha and
its derivatives (Traxdata, etc).

        These are the ones I *know* that support writing CD-Text:

        Sony (CDU948S, CRX100E, CRX110...) and its derivatives,
like the HP 8100.



        Giving that your recorder supports writing CD-Text, your program
has to be able to encode it also when writing in DAO mode.      

        There's some info (lots of outdated links though) about Cd-Text
at http://www.freenet.carleton.ca/~aa571/cdtext.htm, plus some utilities
and info regarding those odd CD formats like CD-G and such. 

        I use Linux, and don't know about programs like Nero, WinOnCD et
al, but use the great package cdrdao
(http://www.ping.de/sites/daneb/cdrdao.html). It supports Cd-Text, but to
my surprise, when tested my newly created CD, toasted with my brand new
Teac CDR-58S, the MD (JA20ES) complained about copy-protected CD-Text and
refused to transfer it!

        I did some tracking at the code (thanks god and Andreas for
OpenSource), and located the problem to be cdrdao setting the copyright
field bit to 3 (line 370 of dao/CdTextEncoder.cc); I figured out it ought
to be 0, changed it, recompiled et voilá! MD transferable CD-Text! 

        I suppose most CD-Recording packages don't give the option to this
being set by the user, so if any of you wondered how to do that, now you
know cdrdao under almost any *nix system will do.


Francisco J. Montilla               System & Network administrator
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      irc: pukka        Seville            Spain   
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