From: "Shawn R. Lin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Francisco Jose Montilla wrote:
> >         So I'd bet you can put a dynamo magnet over a MD disk if you like
> > and it will remain intact.
> I don't know what a dynamo magnet is, but I was able to corrupt data on
> an MD using a ceramic magnet out of a microwave oven's magnetron.

You most definitely could corrupt the magnetic info without heat-- on
TV recently a science program featured an electromagnet that could
magnetise *Anything*, they even magnetically levitated a rat (which was

I don't think such powerful magnetic fields are commonly found though,
did I mention it took about 1MW of power to magnetise the space inside
the short four or so inch diameter tube space!  They mentioned they could
levitate a human ie. simulate weightlessness but the magnet would draw
over 100MW thereby requiring a more or less dedicated power station, cost
maybe a few hundred million dollars or more, and it would be cheaper to
use the Space Shuttle anyway for weightlessness!  Wow!!!
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