          = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
          =     be more selective when quoting text         =

> Hello,
>     I've sent this letter out before, but have gotten no reply.  So, I
> figured I'd try again.  I bought a Rio mp3 player (the first version) and
> used it to format a smartmedia card that I already had, thinking that I could
> reformat it for use in my digital camera if I wanted to use it for such
> things.  Anyway, I returned the Rio (I'll stick to MD) then discovered that
> the only way that the card will be reformattable is if I format it once again
> in a Rio player with the latest version of their software.  So, I am stuck
> with an expensive and useless smartmedia card and no way to fix it.  I was
> wondering if I could send my card to anybody out there who has a rio MP3
> player, and they could reformat it and send it back to me.  Thanks alot!
> Gary

Short of finding someone with a Rio to reformat it, you could try your
local electrical retailer (in the UK that would be somewhere like Dixons
for a national outlet, though a smaller chain might be a better bet).

I'm sure they'll let you use a Rio for a few minutes if either you are a
regular customer, or indicate you'll purchase something afterwards.  Okay
the assistant is sure to watch you but if you then buy a load of blank MDs
I reckon they'd be happy to let you reformat your card.  Actually (flash
of inspiration) in Britain, Argos let you return almost any item within
15-days for a full refund, no questions asked, not that I condone abusing
that service however :)  Dunno which country you live in though...

Good luck!
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|   |            Gareth Bell - [EMAIL PROTECTED]             |   |
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|   |   ICQ: 36892193  http://website.lineone.net/~princegaz/    |   |
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|   |            "An it harm none, do what thou wilt"            |   |
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