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Howdy all,
    an interesting thing happend that has a little bit of MD in it so i =
thought i would share.  Over easter i was with my family and one of my =
cousins had her Lyra out.  Her parents have a butload of $$$ and she is =
always getting the latest toys.  Anyway she was wanting to get rid of it =
after having it for like a week.  I didn't want it, however the 64 meg =
CF card i was but she didn't wanna split the two up.  anyway on with the =
story, i asked her why she wanted to get rid of it, the first reason was =
"It sounds like a radio and nothing like my cd's" this coming from a 15 =
year old female who IMO is not an audiophile at all.  The second reason =
she told me was because she has a cd copier (the pioneer one i think) =
and it's too much garbage to go through to get it on the player.  I =
asked her why she didn't get a MD player.  Her response to that one was =
basically "well mom and dad havn't gotten me one yet"  anyway it was =
interesting to hear someone who is definately not an audiophile say they =
dont like the mp3 players because of sound, well and the trouble of =
having to piss with your computer to get music on a piece of media.  =
Welp that's about it.

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