Subject: MD: Titling errors?

Has anyone ever encountered titling errors (either
disc or track title) when playing MDs back on
different players?

I was listening to one of my discs the other day on my
Sharp portable and I noticed that the title was wrong.
It was truncated and the letters were 
garbled! I popped the disc out, put it back in and it
got the title right 
afterwards. Then I noticed at another time a track
title was garbled, but was 
fixed when I started playing the track over! Weird.
I've never had this happen on my Sony...

Has anyone else ever had this happen? I hope it's not
a sign of something more serious looming!>>

I have a Sharp MT-15 portable and the Sony MDX-D3
I had a disc that was recorded and titled on the Sony.
 When I went to title the tracks that I didn't get
around to, using the Sharp, I got the dreaded UTOC
error (never had garbled titles, though).  After
removing the disc and reinserting it, the error
disappeared.  Sometimes I had to do this more than


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